Excuses need to be used sparingly.

Excuses Need to be Used Sparingly.

Doesn’t life get in the way sometimes?  You’ve committed yourself to an action.  Prepared to follow through and get the job done.  Then the unforeseeable pops up.  It happens.  What do we call a change in plans?  Excuses, reasons, explanations or justifications. Is this an isolated occurrence or does it happen on a regular basis?  […]

Introducing my brain crew.

Let me introduce you to my brain crew. ‘The Girl & The Professor’.

Have you ever wondered why some choices are hard to make?  Others are, as clear as fresh running water from a river.  At times it feels as if the brain prefers confusion rather than certainty. What about when you want to begin something new?  There are several reasons to go ahead and countless excuses not […]

Professional Integrity; Know Your Boundaries.

Professional Integrity; Know Your Boundaries

When boundaries are tested, strength is demanded.  Professional integrity will endure the harshest of business blows.  Welcome critics to assess the foundation of sound principles.  All is revealed in troubling times. High standards excel above and beyond mediocre or lackadaisical performances.  Transparency clears up any uncertainty.  It’s only the ignorant that think power of such […]

Walking the path requires discipline to turn dreams into reality.

Walking The Path Requires Discipline To Turn Dreams Into Reality.

The path paved with good intentions is nothing without the actions.  The journey of life will provide you with: – bends in the road (new opportunities), sharp turns (unexpected changes), hills (life’s upheavals) and bridges (fear). You notice along the way there are many side streets.  Some appear interesting and even tempting. As humans, we […]

He says beer, she says shoes. The compromise in a relationship.

The word compromise gets tossed around lightly.  Talked about as if it’s the easiest thing in the world to come to terms with. Having a standard and lowering it to meet in the middle.  These discussions are about adjusting your expectations. At times theory and reality walk parallel to one another.  It’s tough work negotiating.  Looking for […]

Vipassana Meditation – There Is No Escaping Yourself.

I didn’t know what I was searching for.  Full of life, with no direction.  Trying one experience after another.  To land smack bang in the middle of a 10 day retreat called Vipassana Meditation. Before embarking on this adventure, I read all the instructions of the course.  One would have thought I had some idea […]

How Do You Steer the Dreamer, Complainer and Excuse Giver?

We all have that friend or relative that continues to talk about the same thing, over and over.  They either complain, make excuses or share their dreams.  Nothing ever changes but they repeat themselves like it’s a whole new scenario. Of course they have wonderful traits. Yet the main characteristic that sticks out is the one […]

Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Would. 

Have you ever felt hurt or defeated by that person who you were so charmed by but they ended up being a fraud.  You listened closely and absorbed everything they said and did. In fact, due to the information you gathered about them, they were your new best friend and boy were they fun.  To […]

Are You the Reason Your Relationship is Over?

Does the heart weigh more when we are in love?  It feels so full of happiness that we think it may explode.  Radiating like a neon light. When our relationships are going well they have the power to lift us up, give us a leap in our walk, the sky seems bluer and life a mystical […]